A huge thank you to Deanne Holcombe at Clayton High who worked tirelessly to help us get the Digital Learning Grant books removed and reissued. Deanne, we can't thank you enough for your hard work to help all of us have the resources that we want and our teachers will use! Most of the orders have been populated, so if you haven't checked out your eFollettShelf, you might want to check it out.
With our library of e-resources rapidly growing, let's not forget about the resources that we have on our subscription sites. Did you know that Discovery Education has almost 1,000 different books that have been read aloud as a video? How do you access these books?
- Log into Discovery Education and go to "My DE" so you can see the search bar.
- Select the Advanced Search and Using the Publisher field select "Weston Woods"
- Your return will be 960 books ....You can then look at them in a list view, sort by Most Popular, Recently Added, etc.
- Many of the titles have shorter segments if you don't want to watch the whole book and a teacher's guide to help facilitate the instruction of the book.
While many of these titles are picture books, there is research showing that picture books can make a great impact in the secondary classroom, and can help bring engagement to a lesson. In other words, "Picture books aren't just for Kindergarteners." Look around you might find something you can share!
Happy Monday!