This week we are showcasing some great fall themed lessons and activities available for your students.

Google Frightgeist

Frightgeist by Google Trends is an interactive website based on Halloween costume trends. Students can explore the most popular costume searches and see a probability to how likely they are to see other people in that costume. Students can see trends locally or nationally in real time. Trend data is also available in a histogram by costume. This is an excellent way for students to visualize data on a topic that is very relevant to them. Lesson Idea: Use Mathwire's Free Bar Graph and Frequency Chart to have students graph data on popular costumes and make predictions based on location.

TED Ed Superhero Science

TED Ed has a series of lessons based on Superhero Science. Each lesson explores a different superpower and what would happen if that power was real. The explanations are great and based on principles of math and science. This is sure to be interesting to all the superheroes in your classroom!

Red Ribbon Week Discovery Education Virtual Field Trip

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, Discovery Education has created several resources and a live virtual field trip on October 29th with a K-9 Unit from the Santa Ana Police Department in California. See the training and logistics of the K-9 department. The live virtual field trip begins at 1pm EST and will be available as a archived resource later.

Scholastic Halloween Activity Sets

Scholastic has a free collection of Halloween activities for grades K-6. The activities include math and science, as well as resources from American Museum of American History.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Wednesday Web Tool: Collection of Fall Lessons and Activities

This week we are showcasing some great fall themed lessons and activities available for your students.

Google Frightgeist

Frightgeist by Google Trends is an interactive website based on Halloween costume trends. Students can explore the most popular costume searches and see a probability to how likely they are to see other people in that costume. Students can see trends locally or nationally in real time. Trend data is also available in a histogram by costume. This is an excellent way for students to visualize data on a topic that is very relevant to them. Lesson Idea: Use Mathwire's Free Bar Graph and Frequency Chart to have students graph data on popular costumes and make predictions based on location.

TED Ed Superhero Science

TED Ed has a series of lessons based on Superhero Science. Each lesson explores a different superpower and what would happen if that power was real. The explanations are great and based on principles of math and science. This is sure to be interesting to all the superheroes in your classroom!

Red Ribbon Week Discovery Education Virtual Field Trip

In honor of Red Ribbon Week, Discovery Education has created several resources and a live virtual field trip on October 29th with a K-9 Unit from the Santa Ana Police Department in California. See the training and logistics of the K-9 department. The live virtual field trip begins at 1pm EST and will be available as a archived resource later.

Scholastic Halloween Activity Sets

Scholastic has a free collection of Halloween activities for grades K-6. The activities include math and science, as well as resources from American Museum of American History.