This week we are sharing a wonderful free resource for interactive science and math simulations. These simulations cover a variety of topic areas and really help students understand and apply concepts. There is also a teacher area with lesson plans and resources for how to use the simulations in your classroom. The BEST part about this free resource is that the simulations work on ANY device including Chromebooks and iPads by using the HTML 5 version.
To get started, visit:
From the main page, you can see the sections along the bottom of the page that have tech support as well as the teacher support area. To view all the simulations, click on the "Play with sims" button.
From this page, I can click on the different subject areas using the menu on the left side to view the simulations by topic area. Let's explore Earth Science.
Click on a simulation to load the overview page. I'm going to explore balloons and static electricity.
The simulation overview page gives you more information about the simulation, direct links to the simulation as well as a link to download the simulation. If you want to run the simulation on Chromebooks or tablets, be sure to click the HTML 5 link as that one does not require Java or Flash. At the bottom of the page you can view the teachers guide and teaching ideas for the simulation.
Here is what the simulation looks like for me on a desktop:
There are a variety of variables that students can turn on and off. Students could use these simulations to complete virtual labs and collaborate on a lab report using Google Docs to explain their observations and findings.
PhET is run by the University of Colorado at Boulder and they update the website on a weekly basis with new simulations and updates to teacher guides and activities. I hope you explore this awesome resource with your students to apply their knowledge in math and science topics.
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