This week we are featuring a web tool that is a collection of online math tasks that are linked to Common Core standards for grades K-12. The website is very simple but the tasks are complex and illustrative. 

On the top left side of the page you can explore the standards or simply find tasks by grade level or high school topic.

I chose grade 4 and the Common Core standards appear as links to math tasks. Click on the link to open the task.

This task asks students a mathematical problem based on threatened species of animals. You can download a PDF with the task and explanations.

For almost every task there are multiple solutions that are illustrated for you. 

Here is a peek at the tasks available for High School Statistics and Probability.  As you can see there are multiple tasks available for each standard.

I think Illustrative Mathematics is a great resource for tasks to complete in class as well as for homework assignments since the solutions are clear and easy to understand. I hope you use this web tool for your class!

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday Web Tool: Free Illustrative Math Tasks Linked to the Common Core for Grades K-12

This week we are featuring a web tool that is a collection of online math tasks that are linked to Common Core standards for grades K-12. The website is very simple but the tasks are complex and illustrative. 

On the top left side of the page you can explore the standards or simply find tasks by grade level or high school topic.

I chose grade 4 and the Common Core standards appear as links to math tasks. Click on the link to open the task.

This task asks students a mathematical problem based on threatened species of animals. You can download a PDF with the task and explanations.

For almost every task there are multiple solutions that are illustrated for you. 

Here is a peek at the tasks available for High School Statistics and Probability.  As you can see there are multiple tasks available for each standard.

I think Illustrative Mathematics is a great resource for tasks to complete in class as well as for homework assignments since the solutions are clear and easy to understand. I hope you use this web tool for your class!

Questions or Comments?
Please email me at: