Happy Friday!
Two tidbits to share with you today. First, Google has announced that Google Apps for Education users (including us) will soon have access to unlimited storage on Google Drive! This is incredible news as more and more teachers are flipping their classrooms and students are creating media, both of which require a lot of storage space. Look for the update to the unlimited storage over the next month.
Secondly, a few weeks ago, we blogged about getting started with Classroom. If you have not started using Classroom or are new to it, I have collected some additional resources below. I also asked our Digital Learning Coaches for their tips on getting started and Kim Ellison had this to share: "Make sure you pay attention and click on teacher (not student) when you are first setting it up. If you want kids in the same class to do different assignments (tiered assignments) you need to set them up as different classes."
Are you looking for a presentation to help you get started with Google Classroom? If so, click HERE.
There is a Classroom Community on Google+ that has lots of great tips and feedback from current users. Click HERE to see the community.
Do you have a tip to share about Classroom?
Leave it in the comments box below or email me at pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us