Has your school changed it's approach to technology that has left you with unused, unloved equipment that is in your way and you really want to move it to a new home?

For example, maybe your school had lots of multimedia carts and now you have invested in smartboards - maybe you have speakers, projectors, document cameras, mimios, etc laying around and you really don't want to discard it because it is still usable but if you could give it to someone who could use it your school would consider re-selling or repurposing it to another school.

OR on the flipside maybe you have older technology pieces you are looking for.  Please take a few minutes to join us in this tried and true Girl Scout Practice of SWAP Meets!

Here is our version! bit.ly/jcsswapmeet  Be sure to run it by your principal before adding it to the "I have it" list.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Trade it, Loan it, Give it a new owner!

Has your school changed it's approach to technology that has left you with unused, unloved equipment that is in your way and you really want to move it to a new home?

For example, maybe your school had lots of multimedia carts and now you have invested in smartboards - maybe you have speakers, projectors, document cameras, mimios, etc laying around and you really don't want to discard it because it is still usable but if you could give it to someone who could use it your school would consider re-selling or repurposing it to another school.

OR on the flipside maybe you have older technology pieces you are looking for.  Please take a few minutes to join us in this tried and true Girl Scout Practice of SWAP Meets!

Here is our version! bit.ly/jcsswapmeet  Be sure to run it by your principal before adding it to the "I have it" list.