Welcome back to school!  We are excited to start another year of Digital Learning!

Over the summer, Google released a new look for Google Drive. The new look is slowly being changed over so if you don't see it now, you can click on the settings cog and click on "Experience the new Drive" to see the new version. It is expected that the old Drive view will be phased out over the next month.

What's new in Drive? 

The new Drive has a sleek look that makes it easier to see all your files. Also, you will notice that "Shared with Me" is now labeled as "Incoming." 

Clicking on the red "New" button will give you the following options:

Want to learn more about the new Google Drive? If so, click here!

Questions or comments?
Email me at pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday Google Tidbit: New Look for Drive

Welcome back to school!  We are excited to start another year of Digital Learning!

Over the summer, Google released a new look for Google Drive. The new look is slowly being changed over so if you don't see it now, you can click on the settings cog and click on "Experience the new Drive" to see the new version. It is expected that the old Drive view will be phased out over the next month.

What's new in Drive? 

The new Drive has a sleek look that makes it easier to see all your files. Also, you will notice that "Shared with Me" is now labeled as "Incoming." 

Clicking on the red "New" button will give you the following options:

Want to learn more about the new Google Drive? If so, click here!

Questions or comments?
Email me at pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us