Google has just released Google Classroom to our domain and so far, it is showing to be a great learning management system that is simpler than Edmodo or Moodle and very user friendly. All JCS teachers can use Classroom to create an online space for your students to view class materials, complete assignments, and collaborate together. 

If you have not seen this brief two minute overview of Classroom, take a look at it:

To get started with Classroom, go to:

The first time you visit the site, you may see a screen like this:

Click on the "Go to Classroom" button.

Once you are at the Classroom site, make sure the correct account is signed in (left side) and click on "Teacher" to request access to your account. Your account will then be verified as a teacher account within 24 hours.

Once your account is verified, you will see this on the top right of your Classroom homepage:

By clicking on the + icon, you can create your first class.

Once you enter your class name and section/block, click on the blue "Create" button.

Classroom will now create a homepage for your class:

Each class has three pages: Stream, Students, and About.

Stream is the default page for the class and what the students see. You post your announcements and assignments to this page. Students can comment and make their own posts to this page.

Students is where you add student information and invite students to your class.

About is the class settings page where you can add additional information about the class and also control the classroom folder for handouts and materials.

Let's take a closer look at the Stream page:

1. This is the main box where you can post announcements and assignments.

2. This box shows upcoming assignments and students can click on them to complete.

3. This is the class code box that shows the student code for them to join the classroom. You can click on the down arrow to disable the code if you do not wish students to join your class via code.

4. This box in the top left corner takes you to the Classroom home page and allows you to switch to different classes.

5. This box on the top right allows you to change the theme of your class, there are several color schemes available.

Let's take a closer look at the Students Page:

You have two options for how to invite students to your class. You can have them enter the classroom code (which you can disable once everyone has joined your class) or you can enroll them by entering their email address.

To have students join by code, simply give them the code and direct them to and have them click the + icon to join a class with your code.

To enroll students by email, click on the blue "Invite" button.

You can select students that are in your contacts, you can also select contact groups if you have them setup in your Gmail. You can also search by student name by entering in the search bar at the top right.

Once you have students in your class, you will use the Students page to remove students from the class as well as you can email any or all students by clicking on the email button.

Finally, let's look at the About page:

On this page you can add a class title and description, as well as a location. Students will be able to see this additional information. Classroom automatically makes a folder on your drive with the same title for each class you create. If you wish to change the name of the folder to something else, you can do so from this page. Also, if you have a lot of documents you wish to share with your class, you can upload them on this page and Google will make a copy of the documents for each student.

So, by now, your class should be set up and students added (or codes given out). You are ready to add your first assignment...go back to the Stream page and click on the assignment box.

You will need to add a name and description of your assignment as well as the due date and time if desired. You can attach a resource or Google file to the assignment. If you choose a Google file, you will have the option for the students to complete the assignment on one file or it will make a copy for each student to complete their assignment. Click on the blue "Assign" button to create the assignment.

Here is what the Stream page looks like with an assignment. Students can easily see what is due next in the top left box - "Upcoming Assignments".  Your class is now ready to use! If you need to setup multiple classes, just repeat the steps above.

Want to learn more about Classroom?

Come to our Digital Learning Sessions on Google Drive and Classroom
September 25th, 4:00-5:30pm
October 30th, 4:00-5:30pm
Details and registration are in My Learning Plan

Questions or Comments?
Please email me at:

Friday, August 29, 2014

Friday Google Tidbit: How to Get Started with Google Classroom!

Google has just released Google Classroom to our domain and so far, it is showing to be a great learning management system that is simpler than Edmodo or Moodle and very user friendly. All JCS teachers can use Classroom to create an online space for your students to view class materials, complete assignments, and collaborate together. 

If you have not seen this brief two minute overview of Classroom, take a look at it:

To get started with Classroom, go to:

The first time you visit the site, you may see a screen like this:

Click on the "Go to Classroom" button.

Once you are at the Classroom site, make sure the correct account is signed in (left side) and click on "Teacher" to request access to your account. Your account will then be verified as a teacher account within 24 hours.

Once your account is verified, you will see this on the top right of your Classroom homepage:

By clicking on the + icon, you can create your first class.

Once you enter your class name and section/block, click on the blue "Create" button.

Classroom will now create a homepage for your class:

Each class has three pages: Stream, Students, and About.

Stream is the default page for the class and what the students see. You post your announcements and assignments to this page. Students can comment and make their own posts to this page.

Students is where you add student information and invite students to your class.

About is the class settings page where you can add additional information about the class and also control the classroom folder for handouts and materials.

Let's take a closer look at the Stream page:

1. This is the main box where you can post announcements and assignments.

2. This box shows upcoming assignments and students can click on them to complete.

3. This is the class code box that shows the student code for them to join the classroom. You can click on the down arrow to disable the code if you do not wish students to join your class via code.

4. This box in the top left corner takes you to the Classroom home page and allows you to switch to different classes.

5. This box on the top right allows you to change the theme of your class, there are several color schemes available.

Let's take a closer look at the Students Page:

You have two options for how to invite students to your class. You can have them enter the classroom code (which you can disable once everyone has joined your class) or you can enroll them by entering their email address.

To have students join by code, simply give them the code and direct them to and have them click the + icon to join a class with your code.

To enroll students by email, click on the blue "Invite" button.

You can select students that are in your contacts, you can also select contact groups if you have them setup in your Gmail. You can also search by student name by entering in the search bar at the top right.

Once you have students in your class, you will use the Students page to remove students from the class as well as you can email any or all students by clicking on the email button.

Finally, let's look at the About page:

On this page you can add a class title and description, as well as a location. Students will be able to see this additional information. Classroom automatically makes a folder on your drive with the same title for each class you create. If you wish to change the name of the folder to something else, you can do so from this page. Also, if you have a lot of documents you wish to share with your class, you can upload them on this page and Google will make a copy of the documents for each student.

So, by now, your class should be set up and students added (or codes given out). You are ready to add your first assignment...go back to the Stream page and click on the assignment box.

You will need to add a name and description of your assignment as well as the due date and time if desired. You can attach a resource or Google file to the assignment. If you choose a Google file, you will have the option for the students to complete the assignment on one file or it will make a copy for each student to complete their assignment. Click on the blue "Assign" button to create the assignment.

Here is what the Stream page looks like with an assignment. Students can easily see what is due next in the top left box - "Upcoming Assignments".  Your class is now ready to use! If you need to setup multiple classes, just repeat the steps above.

Want to learn more about Classroom?

Come to our Digital Learning Sessions on Google Drive and Classroom
September 25th, 4:00-5:30pm
October 30th, 4:00-5:30pm
Details and registration are in My Learning Plan

Questions or Comments?
Please email me at: