Good Afternoon,

We are showing that 23 schools have not completed the Tech Readiness Tool. Please take a moment to update your information.


1) Update the Survey information (enrollment numbers and survey questions)
2) Update operating systems to Windows 7 from Win XP 
3) Update Browser to Google Chrome (from Internet Explorer)
4) Check to confirm 100% of your devices compatible with testing?  IF not click the report to view the details and edit your device data accordingly.  
NOTE:  updates will take over night to show in reporting.
Once your testing device inventories are updated, click on the Setup Tab, then click Mark Data Entry Complete to indicate YES. 

Thanks so much for your time! 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Reminder from Michelle Turnage

Good Afternoon,

We are showing that 23 schools have not completed the Tech Readiness Tool. Please take a moment to update your information.


1) Update the Survey information (enrollment numbers and survey questions)
2) Update operating systems to Windows 7 from Win XP 
3) Update Browser to Google Chrome (from Internet Explorer)
4) Check to confirm 100% of your devices compatible with testing?  IF not click the report to view the details and edit your device data accordingly.  
NOTE:  updates will take over night to show in reporting.
Once your testing device inventories are updated, click on the Setup Tab, then click Mark Data Entry Complete to indicate YES. 

Thanks so much for your time!