Welcome back to our series on Google+ and social networking.  This week, we are focusing on social networking best practices. Last time, in Part I of this series we focused on setting up your Google+ account and the differences that Google+ offers over other social networking services. You can view Part I of the series by clicking HERE. Part III will focus on advanced features and app integration.

Social media is a great way to connect to others in a professional environment. It is however important to think about social media in a personal environment and a professional environment. Your audience for social media accounts is likely to have a blend of both environments (for example a coworker who you are friends with outside of work).  This can lead to confusion about how much and what types information to post.

The Media Bistro website has published this information graphic titled: "The 36 Rules of Social Media"

These are all great ideas to consider.  Some of my favorites are numbers 36 and 14. Social media is an organism that takes time and care to grow. Do not be discouraged by a lack of responses and it is a good idea to start small. Maybe you post a weekly blog, add a link to your social media profile to boost viewers. 

Everyone's an influencer. Do not disregard the power of one voice. Ideas spread like wildfire on social media networks. For example, the "Giraffe Game" post spread to over two million users in less than 24 hours on Facebook.

What are some of your best practices for social media use?

Join us next time as we explore some advanced features of Google+.

Questions? Comments?
please email me at: pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us

Friday, November 1, 2013

Friday Google Tidbit: Google+ Part II: Social Media Best Practices

Welcome back to our series on Google+ and social networking.  This week, we are focusing on social networking best practices. Last time, in Part I of this series we focused on setting up your Google+ account and the differences that Google+ offers over other social networking services. You can view Part I of the series by clicking HERE. Part III will focus on advanced features and app integration.

Social media is a great way to connect to others in a professional environment. It is however important to think about social media in a personal environment and a professional environment. Your audience for social media accounts is likely to have a blend of both environments (for example a coworker who you are friends with outside of work).  This can lead to confusion about how much and what types information to post.

The Media Bistro website has published this information graphic titled: "The 36 Rules of Social Media"

These are all great ideas to consider.  Some of my favorites are numbers 36 and 14. Social media is an organism that takes time and care to grow. Do not be discouraged by a lack of responses and it is a good idea to start small. Maybe you post a weekly blog, add a link to your social media profile to boost viewers. 

Everyone's an influencer. Do not disregard the power of one voice. Ideas spread like wildfire on social media networks. For example, the "Giraffe Game" post spread to over two million users in less than 24 hours on Facebook.

What are some of your best practices for social media use?

Join us next time as we explore some advanced features of Google+.

Questions? Comments?
please email me at: pamelabatchelor@johnston.k12.nc.us