1. It is a good best practice to check the connection to JCS_Wireless prior to beginning testing. We put them all back on this network, but they might need to have it selected again as they begin - especially if the device completely died.
2. Teacher can now delete any apps they do not want (except the 2 shortcuts to the internet - MCLASS and LiveBinders) If the MCLASS icon goes bad they may still need to create another one.
3. The devices are back to the original apps they came with - if they want any of their downloads they can follow these steps:
- Go the App Store
- Click on Featured at the bottom
- At the bottom of the Featured page sign with your Apple ID
- Once Signed in go to Purchased and pick the apps you want to bring down by clicking on the cloud to download them
- Don't use an icloud back up at this point - you will put the problem back on your device.
Finally just a note if you have a MCLASS device that needs to have an apple care call done on it MAKE sure that you get the information off it before sending it in for repair or taking it to the apple store - you can make a copy of the back of the device or just jot down all the numbers (the Curriculum, Asset and Serial Numbers) we will have to issue you a new Central Office Asset Tag for these devices so let Christa Leverette or Amy Stanley know.
Thank you all for your help to get this BIG task completed many of you came in and charged them for me and that was a HUGE help!