Google has released a new inbox design option for email that is a significant change. The new inbox design features tabs that you can customize to easily sort your email. Here is a short video explaining the new inbox design:
Right now, your inbox may look like this:
To switch to the new inbox design, click on the settings cog and then "configure inbox"
You will see a box with the different tabs available and a short description of each tab. A nice feature is that Google gives personalized examples of what emails will go under each tab.
For my inbox, you can see the examples that will go into my "social" tab: blogs and social network updates. You should check the tabs you wish to enable and click on the save button.
I now have a tabbed inbox. You can click and drag emails to different tabs and Google will remember where you put them and deliver future messages to that tab.
What if I do not like tabs and want my old inbox back???
It is very simple to change the inbox design back. Just click on the settings cog, then configure inbox, and uncheck all tabs except for primary and click save. You inbox will revert back to the standard view.