The toolbar is obviously different, but there are major improvements within the software, as well. Please pass on to the teachers at your school that the technology Reinvention Convention will offer professional development for the new features of Notebook 11. You, as well as the teachers at your school, can sign up at bit.ly/jcsreinvent.
Before your school gets SMART 11, Math Tools software needs to be uninstalled. Please make this part of the checkout verification you send to Michelle Turnage at the end of the school year. This is very important. Remember, Smart Notebook and Math Tools are separate products that require different product keys. If Math Tools is not uninstalled at the end of this school year, the product key assigned to the math teacher will be "used" and it will not be able to be reused once 11 is on and you try to re-install. For directions on uninstalling, click here.