You may begin setup after 1 pm. Please reference the blog archive for the floor plan for your school's table location. Please finish setting up by 3:30 - 3:45 as the showcase begins at 4. The following list contains a few suggestions.
Consider bringing
- your laptops and devices with a full charge as well as the power source for later in the afternoon.
- tape & scissors.
- white poster board if you are bringing a projector. The dividers you will project on are dark.
- extension cords and/or surge protectors. We will provide as many as we are able to provide, but you might want to have your own.
- candy for a fall festival/Halloween theme.
In the event that you are not directly facilitating the featured technology, please get this information to the teacher representing your school. Additionally, please attend the showcase to be of assistance, but more importantly, to show your support for the teacher and students representing your school.