We are trying something a little different this year. You have a preassigned location for the showcase. Below is the floor plan so you will know your location prior to arrival. Remember you can begin setting up after 1:00 pm. Please keep in mind we need to be ready to go at 3:45 as the event is from 4-6. If you have software/files that are being demonstrated, be sure to check everything off the network prior to arriving. You might also want to make sure your computers have the workstation checkbox on any laptops or minis. You can log in without it, but things will go much quicker if that is available.
Looking forward to a great showcase!
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» Tech Showcase FloorPlan
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Tech Showcase FloorPlan
We are trying something a little different this year. You have a preassigned location for the showcase. Below is the floor plan so you will know your location prior to arrival. Remember you can begin setting up after 1:00 pm. Please keep in mind we need to be ready to go at 3:45 as the event is from 4-6. If you have software/files that are being demonstrated, be sure to check everything off the network prior to arriving. You might also want to make sure your computers have the workstation checkbox on any laptops or minis. You can log in without it, but things will go much quicker if that is available.
Looking forward to a great showcase!
Looking forward to a great showcase!