We received word from HR that parents are calling in stating that new teachers don't have websites yet. There could be a few reasons why this is the perception. One reason for this perception is that the teacher site has not been created yet. Another reason could be that the technology facilitator has created the staff website, but the new hire cannot log in to Novell yet. (Tech Services is trying really hard to stay caught up!) Since the new hire cannot log in on a computer at school, s/he cannot add content to the class website during planning. Please ensure all newly hired teachers in your building have a teacher website. If you notice no content has been placed on the site, please check in with that teacher and offer assistance. We will be happy to create teacher websites and place those sites in the appropriate grade level/department at your school. Send any teacher names, school, and grade level/department to Kathy Price, and she will be happy do that. We are all now subscribed to the blog and will receive a daily digest of announcements. A few of us need to verify the subscription. When we subscribe, we receive an email powered by FeedBurner indicating we need to verify before we begin receiving updates via email. We might need to dig through our trash to find that verification email!
If you are new to Gaggle or need a refresher, Gaggle training with Heather Hammond has been set for October 9 (for Elementary and Middle School only). Training will be at the West Campus Training Center (WCTC) and will begin at 3:45.
We received word from HR that parents are calling in stating that new teachers don't have websites yet. There could be a few reasons why this is the perception. One reason for this perception is that the teacher site has not been created yet. Another reason could be that the technology facilitator has created the staff website, but the new hire cannot log in to Novell yet. (Tech Services is trying really hard to stay caught up!) Since the new hire cannot log in on a computer at school, s/he cannot add content to the class website during planning. Please ensure all newly hired teachers in your building have a teacher website. If you notice no content has been placed on the site, please check in with that teacher and offer assistance. We will be happy to create teacher websites and place those sites in the appropriate grade level/department at your school. Send any teacher names, school, and grade level/department to Kathy Price, and she will be happy do that. We are all now subscribed to the blog and will receive a daily digest of announcements. A few of us need to verify the subscription. When we subscribe, we receive an email powered by FeedBurner indicating we need to verify before we begin receiving updates via email. We might need to dig through our trash to find that verification email!
If you are new to Gaggle or need a refresher, Gaggle training with Heather Hammond has been set for October 9 (for Elementary and Middle School only). Training will be at the West Campus Training Center (WCTC) and will begin at 3:45.