CTA training in Moodle opened today. If you need to take the training and didn't receive an email today regarding your enrollment please let us know as soon as possible. If you were one of those asking to be involved as a refresher - send us your name as well. We will get you signed up!
Hoping your first day back was a GREAT day!
Amy, Jamie & Kathy
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» CTA Training is open!
Monday, August 27, 2012
CTA Training is open!
CTA training in Moodle opened today. If you need to take the training and didn't receive an email today regarding your enrollment please let us know as soon as possible. If you were one of those asking to be involved as a refresher - send us your name as well. We will get you signed up!
Hoping your first day back was a GREAT day!
Amy, Jamie & Kathy
Hoping your first day back was a GREAT day!
Amy, Jamie & Kathy